Daftar Situs Penyedia add-ons openBVE Indonesia

http://ikkimaru-games.yolasite.com/ :Fajar Adhi Nugroho   
  1. Lokomotif
  2. Gerbong

(Sementara http://charlesindobve.yolasite.com/ ) :Charles Y.A
  1. Lokomotif
  2. Kereta Penumpang
  3. Gerbong
  4. Komuter
  5. Rute (preservasi)

http://alvinbve.blogspot.com/ :Alvin Imanuel
  1. Rangkaian Kereta Penumpang
  2. Komuter (in progress)

http://nguter-railways.weebly.com/ :Jeremy Owen Kristian
  1. Lokomotif
  2. Kereta
  3. Gerbong
  4. KRD
  5. Plasser & Theurer

http://www.arikrw.20m.com/index.htm :Ari Fauzi   
Low details
  1. Lokomotif
  2. Kereta Penumpang
  3. Gerbong
  4. Komuter

  1. Komuter

  1. Komuter

  1. Komuter

http://byaztec.weebly.com/ :Pilar Gusmao  
  1. Komuter

http://hammamthea-indobve.weebly.com/ :Hammam Al May
  1. Lokomotif
  2. Komuter

http://openmybve.weebly.com :Dimas Cr
  1. Kereta+Loko
  2. Rangkaian
  3. Rangkaian Babaranjang
  4. Rute

http://lagadaropenbve.weebly.com  :Wredha Marnaldi Adam
  1. Lokomotif
  2. Rangkaian
  3. Rute

http://dulah-company.weebly.com/add-ons.html :Dulah Railfans  
  1. Lokomotif
  2. Rute
  3. Sound
  4. Train.dat untuk mempercepat engine

http://trainzid.webs.com :Isfendi Parahyangan RailFans Daop V
  1. Kereta LD dan HD
  2. Lokomotif
  3. Rute
  4. Sound

http://sacogroupid.webs.com/ :Satria Darmawan Wicaksana
  1. Kereta LD dan HD
  2. Lokomotif LD dan HD
  3. Rute
  4. OpenBVE program versi SaCo

http://by-rnb.weebly.com/ :Thiz Tiro
atau untuk lebih simplenya bisa di http://byrnb.co.nr/
  1. Main Program openBVE
  2. Rolling Stock
  3. Hornsound
  4. Rute

http://balaiyasa-manggarai.weebly.com/ :Rama Eka Saputro
  1. Rangkaian
  2. Rute
  3. OpenBVE program
  4. Software OpenBVE

http://otora-enterprise.yolasite.com/ :Tubagus Aji Taxakha
  1. openBVE Versi Otora
  2. Rute
  3. Lokomotif (ORE)
  4. Kereta (ORE)
  5. Komuter (ORE & GKT)

http://sharonexcelli.weebly.com/ :Sharon Excelli Lauder
  1. Rangkaian
  2. Rute
  3. Sound 

http://aiidbve.webs.com/ :Farid Nur Man
  1.  Rangkaian
  2.  Rute

http://bit.ly/OBWS2432 :Lucius Juan Halim
  1. Rangkaian
  2. Tutorial awal
  3. Gerbong

http://openbve.id1945.com/ or http://bit.ly/BVE203/ :Adam Santoso
  1. Kereta Api or KRL
  2. Rute
  3. Tutorial
  4. Event

http://my-openbve.blogspot.com/ :Rifka Heryadi
  1. openBVE main program
  2. Fictional and Non-fictional Train
  3. Rute

http://obi-production.weebly.com :Alifiardi Aditya Maulana R.
  1. Lokomotif
  2. Rangkaian
  3. Rute
  4. Rolling Stock

http://bverailwayindonesian.webs.com/ atau http://bigstoneproduction.weebly.com :Desky Ramadhan
  1. Main Program
  2. Kereta
  3. Rute
http://balaiyasapengokyk.webs.com :Dhanie Railfans
  1. Rangkaian
  2. Gerbong
  3. Lokomotif HD

http://wahyunaxkereta.webs.com :Wahyu Putra Dewanto
  1. Rangkaian K1 Perumka
  2. Rangkaian fiksi (Coming Soon)
  3. Klaxon CC 201 102 HD

  1. Rangkaian
  2. Fiksi

  1. Kereta (comming soon)
  2. KRL

http://arc-production.weebly.com/ :Fajrul Haryana Railfans Bekasi
3.Engine Sound
4.Rute(Cooming soon!)

http://riezki-production.weebly.com (Riezki OpenBVE)

http://senjautamasolo.weebly.com/ :Senja Utama Solo
1. Rute
2. Rangkaian

http://object-bve.weebly.com/ :Kharisma Sugandi
  1. Object (comming soon)
  2. Tutorial (comming soon)

http://dipomekanikpurwosari.weebly.com :Muhammad Afif
1.Lokomotif (reskin) 

http://23love24.blogspot.com/:fajar maulana utbah dan fajar papercraft
2.rute ( coming soon )
3.rangkain (coming soon )

http://balaiyasamalioboro.weebly.com/ :Firdaus Rakhman Saputra
  1. Gerbong
  2. Lokomotif
  3. Rute
  4. Rangkaian

http://addonsbve.webs.com/ : Agus Ilham Pangestu
1. Object
2. Sound
3. Rangkaian ( Coming soon)

http://argogadjajana.weebly.com/ : Pixel Fajar Utama Railfans

     1. Rangkaian
     2. Rute (Comming soon)
     3. Lokomotif (Comming Soon)

http://byskm.weebly.com :moch insani imam utomo

gerbong (coming soon )

http://openbveidn.blogspot.com/ : Muhammad Abim   

Http://Omega-Corporation.blogspot.com/ : Omega Corporation
1. Lokomotif
2. Gerbong
3. Plasser & theurer
4. DMU
5. EMU
6. Main Program
itulah website buat download add ons openbve indonesia,maklumi saja jika ada salah satu web yang tidak bisa dibuka,
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By : Danu Widi


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